What our Troops and their Heroes at Home are saying...
Love notes
TO Full Circle Home
“These gifts made me feel so special and loved during a time that i otherwise felt sad and alone.”
“I honestly wasn’t expecting anything for myself this Christmas. With my husband currently deployed to Afghanistan, it just wasn’t on my radar. The fact that your organization made it possible for me to receive a note from him and gifts, that were generously donated brought tears to my eyes (and I am not a cryer)! Thank you for remembering those of us keeping the home front running. Sometimes, the task is daunting as well as exhausting. How blessed I was to receive something that said in essence, “you are loved. You are not forgotten.” It filled my heart with such gratitude. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving my husband the opportunity to participate in this.”
“My 4 time war veteran set this service up for me while he was deployed again, it was so sweet and special for me, as it was lonely without him for the holidays.”
“The last deployment in 2009 I received from you all and was amazed by all the gifts. But this time around for the deployment I honestly wasn’t expecting to receive anything at all. So it most definitely made my day to open the package and see all the wonderful gifts! I love what you all do and it helps so much seeing that there are so many people that do support the military and the families that support them.”
“I am a newlywed, married 2 months before the deployment, and had just moved to the state he lived in, which was 2 states away from family and friends. I’m a nurse and had to work much of Christmas so I couldn’t travel to be with my family until after the holidays. I was feeling a little blue and having a hard time enjoying the Christmas season. I received the package and opened it, read the card and burst into tears. The beautiful little gifts inside helped fill my house with joy to see the pile of them waiting for me, and instilled a sense of a beautiful simple Christmas in my home during a rather lonely time. I would open one a day, very ceremoniously and enjoy my daily indulgence. It made me feel less alone and more appreciated and stronger.”
“It was extremely emotional for sure. I loved all the tiny boxes, and was absolutely blown away at the quality of the amazing items included! All of the notes made me cry! It all seemed so personal and special! Thank you! It is appreciated more than you will ever know!”
“I was completely surprised by my spouse sending this my way. We enjoyed FaceTiming each other to open the gifts while singing the 12 days of Christmas for the day that it was.”
“Six months into this deployment, I didn’t expect the holidays to be very joyous. This package brightened my days and my Christmas. To know that my boyfriend is thinking about me, while I’m here at home thinking about him, warms my heart. I love the thoughtful concept of these gifts even more than the gifts themselves.”
“My gifts were labeled “ 1 through 12 Days of Christmas. I was so thrilled when they arrived, I wanted to plow right through them, however, I patiently waited to start opening them on Christmas Day! It was so very exciting to open a gift each day. I always took a pic of the gift & shared it with our son. He was so appreciative to your organization, for bringing such simple joy to me & helping Tim feel a part of the Christmas activities!!”
“I was utterly surprised and it touched my heart deeply knowing my son had this sent to me and showed he really appreciates me for supporting him and being there for him. It meant the world to me to know he was thinking of me and his family while being thousands of miles away during the holidays and to receive a handwritten letter and see his writing on the package was priceless.”
“My husband and I are on our second deployment(and final one thank god!) and I was really upset he wasn’t going to be home for the holidays. We’ve been lucky enough to be able to be together for all the prior ones. He left late October and I was just starting to get depressed with the holidays coming around and Christmas getting near and I didn’t have him home. This came just at the right time and really brightened my mood. I am so beyond appreciative of you ladies and all you do. You seriously lifted my holiday spirit and I can’t thank you enough.”
“At first I wasn’t sure about the box I knew I hadn’t ordered anything then I opened it and started reading the notes. I kept everyone of them. I carry them in my purse. Sometimes I take them out and read them again and think I can’t wait tell my son comes home Thank you again you people are awesome.”
“I was so very surprised and of course had tears when i found out it was from my son who is deployed in Afghanistan. He, too, was so grateful he could send me something for Christmas. It meant so much to me.”
“It actually came the same day a bunch of my friends husband’s were coming home before Christmas from their deployment. I was so emotionally confused because I was soooooo happy for my friends but missing my husband sooo much more, and the holidays were fast approaching, so it was kind of emotionally overwhelming good and bad. When I saw this gift in a box that said “love from Afghanistan” it was the perfect uplifting boost that I needed. And it felt like the hug my husband physically couldn’t give me. It was perfect.”
“I had no clue. I opened it up and when I read the note y’all sent and his note I lost it. Him and I have known each other since high school and we got engaged ten days before he left for deployment. I’m a full time school teacher so it makes it sometimes difficult for us to communicate but his note (you guys had a part in) truly gets me by the rough days as I carry it with me daily. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all y’all do. It made such an impact on my life. Words could never explain.”
“It just means so much to me. I think of my son every time I see or use one of the gifts. Thinking about it now brings tears to my eyes.”
“This is the first deployment for my husband and I, we are college sweethearts, and just recently got married this past May, only 6 days before they left! As the months seemed to be getting longer instead of shorter and we approached the holidays without him, and on top of that my students asking me if I thought he would surprise me like you see in the videos on social media I was struggling a little bit; but, coming home to this box was absolutely perfect! I did try my best to stick to only opening one little box a day, and so it took me a while to realize there was a hand-written note in the Vera Bradley change pouch (and it was actually HIS writing - not like when they send you flowers and you get a typed note or it’s written in the workers handwriting)! That little note has been my saving grace and my push to keep going, to keep my head up and staying positive; that this deployment would be over before I know it! On a side note, I did truly enjoy all of the little Christmas bows (I actually made a little small wreath out of them), as well as the Luca+Danni bracelet that came with the note about full circle home and what it represents. Thank you for taking the time and effort to consider the ones left at home; this gift I will always remember.”
“It was late at night and when I went out to feed the dog I noticed a small brown box. I couldn’t remember having ordered anything and was not sure how long it had been outside by our gate. I brought it in the house and left it to sit while I bathed the kids and attempted to contact my husband. I asked him if he had ordered something. He said no. I told him a package came addressed to me but I hadn’t ordered anything. When I finally got around to opening it later that night I was shocked to find the note and what exactly your organization was about. The pack of Kleenex with the first gift is brilliant. I cried like a girl going through her first heartbreak. And I’m not the emotional type! It was just such a sweet thought and I had been dreading Christmas. This gave me something to look forward to on a daily basis. It was easier to smile and joke with the kids who were so excited about Christmas. It was their first one without their dad. Thank you all for your love and support. I hope I’ll be able to repay you all by paying it forward. Really, thank you.”
“We have moved a lot over the years and we always say “home is where we are”, when I got the Luca+Danni Bracelet on the last day with the Heart of Home, we all knew it was just meant to be. He will always be with is in our hearts during his deployment.”
“This Christmas was challenging. Tim in Afghanistan and my 92 yo Mom is end stage heart failure and doing poorly. I would bring up the box to her room every night and we’d open it together.”
“My kids ages 6-12 opened the package and set each gift under the tree for me. They told me daddy sent a special surprise. I came downstairs and was in complete awe of each box. It was a happy but emotional feeling opening and reading the personal note. I hardly take time to sit down and focus on ME. If it weren’t for this program I wouldn’t have taken the time to sit and reflect on what I have done to keep our family going this deployment. Every day I looked forward to a new gift and it was a daily reminder of my husbands love for me!”
“So many of my fellow wives were SO picked up by this. Mentally it shines just a little brightness into our dark clouds. We all were getting to that pity party mentality because it was the holidays and time seemed to be dragging on. So this surprise really lifted our spirits!”
“It made us all very emotional. It’s amazing to know that there are people out there that care and it put in the time and effort to do something so special for spouses who are missing loved ones.”
“When you don’t hear from your significant other for an extended period of time you start to become a robot each day...especially when you have children. This gift gave me so much reassurance during the holiday times that even though we cannot talk or see each other that he is always thinking of me and ways to make me happy.”
“I absolutely LOVED this! It was such a surprise and so encouraging and fun for me to text with my husband about what all the items were. He was so proud and grateful to have been able to gift it!”
“We didn’t really share that he was leaving or had been gone for months prior to his deployment. They had a lot of respect once they found out I was doing my best pseudo-single-mom-ing it. It helped me feel more support from those around me who offered their time to help out with whatever they could. They thought it was so sweet that strangers could help even the randomest person. They were happy to know other people cared.”
Some past notes from the Heroes at Home
“My husband is currently deployed. Four days before he had to leave to go overseas we found out we were going to be having our first child together. When I opened up the package I started to cry. I received the 12 days of Christmas package and seeing a handwritten note from him just melted my heart. This holiday season has been a bit of a struggle for me. This is our first christmas away from each other and all of our family are about 16 hours away. The package I received has been such a blessing. This holiday season has been rough but receiving this has just reminded me that people out there care. My husband and I are so grateful for all that you do. I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. I know a lot of time and effort went into the packages you sent out. Words cannot describe how i feel. You have made our christmas. Thank you again for all you guys do. Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year.”
“I received my Full Circle Home Mother’s Day Gift Box last night and was very pleasantly surprised. I opened this sweet little box to find it filled with beautiful, thoughtful items and even my name was spelled correctly!!
What completely undid me was the bracelet and story behind it. Yes, I started bawling. My husband thought I had lost my mind. Which isn’t hard these days! You see, I have been battling breast cancer for the past two years essentially by myself while working full time, finished my BA, and taking care of a special needs child at home. Then to top it all off, I took a rather difficult turn for the worse just three months before my son deployed in Feb. I tried to prepare him for the idea that I might not be here when he comes back but if that should occur it would only be my body that is gone. My overflowing pride in him, my unconditional love for him, my fighting Marine Corps spirit, and my strength of will, will always flow through his veins just as sure as my DNA does. My son is a second generation Tanker. My husband was a Marine Corps Tanker too. I am the wife, mother, granddaughter, daughter, niece, sister, sister-n-law, aunt, and nurse to MARINES. I have lived and breathed Marine Corps my whole life. I take every opportunity to support my son’s Tank unit currently deployed overseas with the 13th Marine Corps. Expeditionary Unit. I have set up wish lists to try to keep each of the 20 men in the unit supplied of everything they need. I am a VA nurse and I believe it is just as important to take care of our men and women while they are actively serving to protect our freedom as much as I do every day for those that have already served our country. It is the reason why I get up every morning. The reason why I continue to fight. I have a special needs son at home that needs me, a son overseas that needs the support, and I’m told nobody can make “Momma K.’s Cookies” like I can according to all the Tankers at 29 Palms so I have to keep breathing to keep them supplied too. Right?
Thank you both for all you do. Thank you too to all of the volunteers that gave me tears of joy last night as I placed a beautiful little bracelet on my wrist and thought of my son half way around the world as a man, leading men, all grown up and wondered what he was doing at that exact moment and as I write this note to explain my story instead of tears of pain and despair. Keep the Joy Flowing. You all are amazing.”
“I received my Full Circle Home Mother’s Day Gift Box last night and was very pleasantly surprised. I opened this sweet little box to find it filled with beautiful, thoughtful items and even my name was spelled correctly!!
What completely undid me was the bracelet and story behind it. Yes, I started bawling. My husband thought I had lost my mind. Which isn’t hard these days! You see, I have been battling breast cancer for the past two years essentially by myself while working full time, finished my BA, and taking care of a special needs child at home. Then to top it all off, I took a rather difficult turn for the worse just three months before my son deployed in Feb. I tried to prepare him for the idea that I might not be here when he comes back but if that should occur it would only be my body that is gone. My overflowing pride in him, my unconditional love for him, my fighting Marine Corps spirit, and my strength of will, will always flow through his veins just as sure as my DNA does. My son is a second generation Tanker. My husband was a Marine Corps Tanker too. I am the wife, mother, granddaughter, daughter, niece, sister, sister-n-law, aunt, and nurse to MARINES. I have lived and breathed Marine Corps my whole life. I take every opportunity to support my son’s Tank unit currently deployed overseas with the 13th Marine Corps. Expeditionary Unit. I have set up wish lists to try to keep each of the 20 men in the unit supplied of everything they need. I am a VA nurse and I believe it is just as important to take care of our men and women while they are actively serving to protect our freedom as much as I do every day for those that have already served our country. It is the reason why I get up every morning. The reason why I continue to fight. I have a special needs son at home that needs me, a son overseas that needs the support, and I’m told nobody can make “Momma K.’s Cookies” like I can according to all the Tankers at 29 Palms so I have to keep breathing to keep them supplied too. Right?
Thank you both for all you do. Thank you too, to all of the volunteers that gave me tears of joy last night as I placed a beautiful little bracelet on my wrist and thought of my son half way around the world as a man, leading men, all grown up and wondered what he was doing at that exact moment and as I write this note to explain my story instead of tears of pain and despair. Keep the Joy Flowing. You all are amazing. ”
“All I can say is THANK YOU ALLLLLLLLL so very much!!!!! I was SURPRISED, GRATEFUL, & BLESSED by the selfless acts!!! I had been so down this week with the holidays approaching & on my doorstep yesterday was this box! Tears of JOY!!! I couldn’t have imagined such useful gifts & each gift having a hand tied bow with special notes! VERY TOUCHING what you are doing! Bless you all!”
“I came home today with a box from you. I was not expecting anything so I was somewhat confused, I thought maybe I got the neighbors mail. When I opened it up I started to cry (yup, that ugly sob cry). This is my our first Christmas married, after dating for 5 years, and he is currently in Korea. We have spent a lot of our ‘firsts’ after getting married apart. He isn’t a romantic person but he is very thoughtful. This holiday season has been especially hard on me, being away from family and my husband but your box brightened my day. It could not have come at a better time. God Bless you and your wonderful volunteers for all that you do for Our Troops and their Families. It is truly appreciated! With Love, ”
“Today i went to go check my mail and wasn’t expecting anything. I saw this package and was like, hmm don’t know what this is but i opened it and instantly tears of joy♡ thank you so much for putting this together for military spouses defiantly helps bring a smile to our faces when our soldiers are away.”
“I received my box more than 5 years ago, and I still remember it fondly. It was nice to have a gift, just for me under the tree when my husband was deployed. Thank you ladies so very much.”
“I received my first box last year for Christmas. I loved it! It’s an amazing feeling knowing someone out there takes the time to make others feel special and remembered! Thank you.”
“Being away from my husband for the holidays was rough. This was the first Christmas he was unable to be with us. It was also the longest i have ever been away from my husband in the 10 years we have been together. When i got my box of gifts, I flat out cried. It meant so much. It was like having a gift to let me know I was thought of for 12 days. Thank you for all you do. Best Wishes. ”
“Christmas 2014 was the first Christmas since my son, Ryan, was a baby that we were not together. I suspected this would be hard for all of us. I had received lots of boxes this year and Full Circle Home was one of them. I did not think much about it until Ryan directed me to it during a Skype conversation of Christmas Eve. Upon opening the box and reading the first message I was moved to tears. I was so touched by the meaning and thoughtfulness behind each gift. But more importantly, I was touched that Ryan recognized the challenges of his calling for his Mom. His Dad and I are so proud of Ryan’s willingness to serve his country and the man he has become. However, we miss him SO MUCH! Being a recipient of this box helped me know that Ryan understands. What a beautiful mission you have undertaken. Thank you from one very proud mom with a small hole in her heart. You made my Christmas a little brighter.”
“I know it’s hard for those deployed to send gifts to their loved ones when they’re abroad. They don’t always have the means or the time. I was VERY pleasantly surprised that I got this; I hadn’t expected anything. It was very cute, and elegantly presented. I could tell a lot of time, effort, and planning went into making this possible. I, as well as my Marine, greatly appreciate what was done here. It’s a really awesome thing you have going on. Keep rockin’ it out!!! Warm wishes and Happy New Year!”
“Hello, I’m Sharlene S. and our son is on the Cutter Venturous out of St. Petersburg, Fl. My husband and I were the very happy recipients of our holiday parcel on behalf of Andrew. We are a brand new military family...as a brand new military family we were very sad to realize that his cutter would be at sea during Christmas making it the first time in our lives that he wouldn’t be home with us. Getting the parcel was amazing...when it first arrived my husband and I each thought the other person had ordered it since we didn’t recognize the return label...The part that made me cry was when the message was so personalized that I knew he had known it was coming to us. He signed it by the name that only we call him so we knew he had been personally involved in at least part of the preparations. Later we learned more from him how it all works and are fascinated to now receive your kind letter giving us even more background about your organization. What a wonderful idea and so kind for families that are just adjusting to a new way of life...our son thinks only he joined the Coast Guard, but in reality, our entire family did. Life is different and the experiences he has have become part of our lives too.
We loved opening each fit every day and the presentation of the gifts was beautifully done. Our box arrived in perfect condition and I think I liked the cozy socks the best. How silly, but when I wear them I think of my son. The Alex and Ani bracelet is very special and after writing to him to ask his opinion, we decided that his girlfriend should really have it so we sent it to her....in closing, we were thrilled to get the parcel, loved the idea of one gift per day, loved how it began with the personalized message with the pack of tissues (which I needed for certain) and are so grateful for your organization and the joy you are sharing with so many people.
“I am a VERY PROUD Marine Mom. We have four sons, and our Marine is our “Baby” (23 years old!) Any contact from him, phone/FT and this special treat in the mail brings tears to my eyes immediately. This Deployment has taken him away from the family for Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and likely his birthday and Easter, so while we are fiercely proud of him, being apart on the holidays is a first for our family, and those days are especially tough. Having the little gifts from him each day made him feel a little closer to home!”
“My husband and I are on our first deployment, and communication has been limited. Opening my box made me feel so happy and loved, and saving each box for every day helped bring a little happiness to my afternoon. Thanks so much for helping us stay connected and close during the holidays when family is so important!”
“When I received a box I had no idea what it was but when I opened it, it brought me to tears and I could not stop crying tears of joy. I have never spent a Christmas away from my husband and I was not expecting to receive any gifts this year with him being away but my heart was so full and I was overjoyed when I got that box. These little gifts mean so much to me! I looked forward to opening them everyday. I could never thank you guys enough for making this Christmas so much better! I’m so grateful for your kindness and wonderful gifts! THANK YOU ALL!”
“This was the first Christmas without my son home to celebrate with us. He is currently deployed. When I received that box, and read where it came from - I cried like a baby. I can’t describe what that meant to me - to know that my son had sent it to me and the companies that gave their services to say Thank you and made that possible. To say I LOVED IT is an understatement. I’m so very grateful to have received my presents. I looked forward to opening one every day. Thank you”
“Christmas has always been such a huge holiday for my family and my extended family. So for the first year ever My husband and I weren’t able to make it back home to the east coast. My husband being deployed on top of the holidays is incredibly difficult but as soon as I got these gifts I couldn’t wait to open them. They made me feel so loved and like it was actually him giving them to me. They were so personable and things I loved that I knew only he knew about. It really reminded me how much I knew he loves me.”
“When I received my 12 days of Christmas box, I was more than excited. When I read my son’s note, with, “Forever and always my mommy you’ll be,” I knew it was really from him! When he was a senior in high school he had made me a valentine and written those words from the book we’ve all read to our children! When he was in bootcamp, my daily letter always ended, “Love you forever, like you for always, always and forever my baby you’ll be.” Knowing my Marine wouldn’t be here for Christmas was becoming more and more real as the days approached. With your help, each day I had something to look forward to, and I felt a special connection to my son, so far away. Each day, friends would call to hear what was in the next box. I can only imagine the organization, planning and teamwork it takes to pull this all together. Thank you for not only making us smile at home, but also for giving our troops a peace of mind that they have requested a special package for their loved ones back home! You are angels!!”
“What a wonderful collection of beautifully wrapped gifts! Thank you to all the volunteers who made this happen.”
“It was super fun to open a gift every day. Though I knew the gifts were coming, my husband’s sweet note was a surprise and greatly needed at the time. My girls were all excited to watch me open one each day.”
“I had actually planned a 12 days of Christmas for my overseas husband without even knowing I had this coming to me. It was fun to open the gifts together each day. It gave me something to look forward to each morning that I could share with him.”
“My husband was supposed to return home from this deployment before the holidays, but was extended through the new year. I was heart broken thinking he would miss Christmas (our 2 year old first year being excited). I came home from work one day to a package on my door step, thinking I had a case of amazon amnesia, I opened the box and was puzzled at the content until I read the note inside explaining the purpose of the package. I cried, I couldn’t help it. It was beautiful and exciting to be a recipient of this thoughtful gift. I enjoyed opening each gift leading up to Christmas (it was a struggle not to open them all right away!) On the last day, Christmas eve, I cried again, the Luca+Danni bracelet and note included was sentimental and very beautifully made. I have worn it every day since. Thank you for making this Christmas a very special one.”
“This gift was such a surprising joy to receive while my husband was away. The note he left me also made me cry- more so when I noticed his handwriting. The 12 gifts made every morning better as Christmas approached which I felt all alone with my husband being gone. It makes me more interested in how can I help with this organization to help brighten a spouse’s day!”
“I was particularly missing my husband because of it being the holidays, but when I opened the box and saw his handwriting I was floored and started crying. Being the 21st Century, I talk to him quite a bit but it’s always online. I hadn’t seen his handwriting in months since he’d been gone, and it meant SO MUCH to me to see a note he’d written make its way into my hands. I don’t know if this is logistically very difficult, but it means SO MUCH.”
“3 of my children are in the armed Forces, two are currently deployed. My Marine is the one that gave my the gift of the 12 days of Christmas. Being able to open up a gift every day, made me feel a bit closer to him. I looked forward to each and everyone of them. The little notes that came with most of them made me feel appreciated for the difficulties that the women who are left behind go through when their loved ones are in dangerous situations fighting and defending our country. Thank you!”
“I was so surprised to receive anything from my spouse (not expecting anything) and I know it made him happy knowing that I would have something from him during the holidays. Thank you for everything that you do!”
“My husband had surprised me with my gifts. I had no idea this was even something that existed. I opened it all on Christmas day and cried and cried because my husband couldn’t be there for me and the kids on Christmas so I was shocked and felt special over every item in the box. Thank you so much! I wish I could do something like this for spouses around the world.”
“My whole & extended family were impacted. We waited for Christmas morning to open the gifts (as per my son’s request). We passed out the “days” & took turns opening, laughing (my younger son exclaimed “I got mascara!”) & crying. We were all (3 generations) beautifully touched by the thought, products, wrapping, note & the fact that my deployed son was “there” with us.”
“I just happened to look on the porch and found the box. I wasn’t sure if it was maybe something my husband had ordered and I shouldn’t see! It’s happened before! He was as surprised as I was! I love surprises, so this was a perfect gift for me, even if our son didn’t know exactly what was in it (according to his note - nice touch in package #1!). We can’t get phone or FaceTime connection but I was able to text each day and tell him what he’d sent me. I actually got a couple responses! He’s a man of few words sometimes, so that in itself was a gift! I can’t thank you enough for all your efforts, it was definitely my most special gift this year!”
“We got our box but didn’t see the note from here until we opened all the gifts . I almost screamed. As I tell my children the small things are the big things. It meant so much and the gifts are quality gifts.”
“My spouse is deployed and receiving the small gifts was truly an uplifting experience. I know the other spouses from the command who also got these tiny surprises were overcome with emotion. Thank you so much for all you do.”
“I was so excited when I received the box and then when I opened it, the twelve gifts looked so cute. It was a little hard waiting to open them. But I waited til it really was twelve days til Christmas. Everyday I opened one gift and immediately started using them. I put the Lollia hand lotion and Bon Bon lip balm into my purse right away.”
“I didn’t expect to get anything from my son the year he was deployed and it was the first Christmas he was away from us so it was going to be a sad year. Received the 12 little boxes was a huge surprise and I opened one on each day of the 12 days before Christmas so every day was a reminder of him as I opened the little box. It was an amazing gift.”
“I didn’t know what to think when I saw a box on my front doorstep that said “love from Afghanistan”. I opened it not knowing what it was and almost cried when I saw the hand written note from my husband on the top of all of the boxes. I got so excited I opened all of them at one time, not realizing it was supposed to be one a day. I took a video of myself opening them so I could send it to my husband. It made my night!”
“I cried looking at what my husband thought of me for. Your organization helped bring his love home to me, even if he was thousands of miles away.”
“I was a newlywed, newly relocated away from the rest of my friends and family, with my husband overseas at Christmas. I was literally alone at Christmas time with nothing to open except these beautiful boxes of love. It meant everything to me to open and read the notes and see each surprise. The fact that many things were selfcare items like lotions and lip balm inspired me to pamper myself a little extra.”
“My family and friends are all supporting me and my children while my husband is gone. Knowing they aren’t alone was comforting. Also my kids were shown what it means to love others during Christmas and how important charity and love are to the recipients.”
“It made me cry and truly impacted my family by showing good people still exist. It was an extremely hard time for me personally and this just made it a little easier to bare. It was amazing for feel the strength y’all see in us. It truly gave me strength I needed this holiday season.”
“This was such a heart warming surprise that came at the perfect moment. It was a great reminder to myself that it’s not easy and we have people who truly care.”
Some past notes from our Deployed Troops
“Huge thanks for making this program a great source of hope and encouragement for us, which we are far away from home. I think the real heroes are not those who fight at the front line, but those who are at home they are the real heroes, the wives or husbands who make the role of mother and father at the same time, parents who can not sleep well because they are concerned if something happens to their child. There are no words in which I can give you my infinite thanks. God always guide you and care for good hearted people like for taking care of our families back home. Thank you. ”
“I just want to thank you for your giving me and the other Marines on the MEU the opportunity to do something special for our loved ones back home. Today my second daughter was born and this is my sixth deployment so this opportunity means a lot to me and my Marines. Again I just wanted to thank you for all that you do for us.”
“Thank you for doing all of these for us. We appreciate everything you do. We might be away from our families this coming holiday seasons but you guys are always there, always ready to support our troops. You guys are helping us a lot, making our loved ones feel that although we are away from home, we can still celebrate. Everybody from motherland has all your support for us. Thank you so much and may you guys have a wonderful holiday! Please send my regards to everybody you work with. Thank you!!!”
“I would like you to know how much this means to me and my Soldiers. Out of the 20 Soldiers I have only 3 of them have deployed so being separated and in a war zone is a new thing to them and their families. While communication is outstanding, especially when compared to Iraq or early Afghanistan. The news tends to blow things out of proportion which causes a lot of distress for the families left behind. The contribution of your organization will make a difference for the lives of the Soldiers and an even greater impact on the families that are left behind. ”
Photos from families Full Circle Home has impacted
More responses From Christmas 2018
“These gifts made me feel so special and loved during a time that i otherwise felt sad and alone.”
“I honestly wasn’t expecting anything for myself this Christmas. With my husband currently deployed to Afghanistan, it just wasn’t on my radar. The fact that your organization made it possible for me to receive a note from him and gifts, that were generously donated brought tears to my eyes (and I am not a cryer)! Thank you for remembering those of us keeping the home front running. Sometimes, the task is daunting as well as exhausting. How blessed I was to receive something that said in essence, “you are loved. You are not forgotten.” It filled my heart with such gratitude. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving my husband the opportunity to participate in this.”
I honestly wasn't expecting anything for myself this Christmas. With my husband currently deployed to Afghanistan, it just wasn't on my radar. The fact that your organization made it possible for me to receive a note from him and gifts, that were generously donated brought tears to my eyes (and I am not a cryer)! Thank you for remembering those of us keeping the home front running. Sometimes, the task is daunting as well as exhausting. How blessed I was to receive something that said in essence, "you are loved. You are not forgotten." It filled my heart with such gratitude. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving my husband the opportunity to participate in this.
My husband is deployed and he thought it would be nice for me to get a Christmas gift while he was away. He and you'll all made me feel so loved during the hardest part of deployment the holidays. Thank You all so much.
I didn’t realize there were 12 gifts inside. So I opened the box at Christmas with family all around. We really enjoyed each one, especially as most has nice notes inside. Love the Luca+Danni bracelet and wear it daily to remember my son. Thank you!
My 4 time war veteran set this service up for me while he was deployed again, it was so sweet and special for me, as it was lonely without him for the holidays.
The last deployment in 2009 I received from you all and was amazed by all the gifts. But this time around for the deployment I honestly wasn’t expecting to receive anything at all. So it most definitely made my day to open the package and see all the wonderful gifts! I love what you all do and it helps so much seeing that there are so many people that do support the military and the families that support them.
Well, my husband is deployed to the Middle East. I’ve gotten to FaceTime him once since he left and it was at the very beginning (second week) we were just under 3 months down when your cute package came in the mail. I had no idea what it was and I loved opening it! I know you’re supposed to wait till each day buuuuttttt..... I definitely opened them all! Haha! The packaging was adorable and I was so thankful for the tissues because it made me tear up for how thoughtful it all was! A lot of love went into the box and you can definitely feel it while opening each day.
I smiled opening each gift knowing it was full of love from my husband.
I actually just got home from visiting family and it was a great surprise! I smiled and unwrapped the gifts.
I am a newlywed, married 2 months before the deployment, and had just moved to the state he lived in, which was 2 states away from family and friends. I’m a nurse and had to work much of Christmas so I couldn’t travel to be with my family until after the holidays. I was feeling a little blue and having a hard time enjoying the Christmas season. I received the package and opened it, read the card and burst into tears. The beautiful little gifts inside helped fill my house with joy to see the pile of them waiting for me, and instilled a sense of a beautiful simple Christmas in my home during a rather lonely time. I would open one a day, very ceremoniously and enjoy my daily indulgence. It made me feel less alone and more appreciated and stronger.
My 2 girls picked the package up on our porch. Once opening the box they couldn’t wait to open the gifts.. and wanted the gifts for themselves :)
It was extremely emotional for sure. I loved all the tiny boxes, and was absolutely blown away at the quality of the amazing items included! All of the notes made me cry! It all seemed so personal and special! Thank you! It is appreciated more than you will ever know!
I was shocked to see this come in the Mail. My son has never sent me anything before. My son and I have become very close.
I was completely surprised by my spouse sending this my way. We enjoyed FaceTiming each other to open the gifts while singing the 12 days of Christmas for the day that it was.
Six months into this deployment, I didn't expect the holidays to be very joyous. This package brightened my days and my Christmas. To know that my boyfriend is thinking about me, while I'm here at home thinking about him, warms my heart. I love the thoughtful concept of these gifts even more than the gifts themselves.
I was really excited about receiving the gifts. It was totally unexpected and I felt loved and appreciated. Each gift was a unique blessing. There were beauty products that are wonderful but that I had never heard of. Thank you so much for making my holiday season special.
My gifts were labeled “ 1 through 12 Days of Christmas. I was so thrilled when they arrived, I wanted to plow right through them, however, I patiently waited to start opening them on Christmas Day! It was so very exciting to open a gift each day. I always took a pic of the gift & shared it with our son. He was so appreciative to your organization, for bringing such simple joy to me & helping Tim feel a part of the Christmas activities!!
My husband usually isn’t the mooshy guy. I enjoy just spending time with him, when I can. The gifts were amazing and I enjoyed all of them.
I was utterly surprised and it touched my heart deeply knowing my son had this sent to me and showed he really appreciates me for supporting him and being there for him. It meant the world to me to know he was thinking of me and his family while being thousands of miles away during the holidays and to receive a handwritten letter and see his writing on the package was priceless.
My husband and I are on our second deployment(and final one thank god!) and I was really upset he wasn’t going to be home for the holidays. We’ve been lucky enough to be able to be together for all the prior ones. He left late October and I was just starting to get depressed with the holidays coming around and Christmas getting near and I didn’t have him home. This came just at the right time and really brightened my mood. I am so beyond appreciative of you ladies and all you do. You seriously lifted my holiday spirit and I can’t thank you enough.
My son is very loving and kind but not very thoughtful when it comes to mothers day - bdays- Xmas- - so this was a special surprise that blessed my heart
I was surprised wasn’t expecting anything. It was a nice surprise.
I am a VERY PROUD Marine Mom. We have four sons, and our Marine is our "Baby" (23 years old!) Any contact from him, phone/FT and this special treat in the mail brings tears to my eyes immediately. This Deployment has taken him away from the family for Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and likely his birthday and Easter, so while we are fiercely proud of him, being apart on the holidays is a first for our family, and those days are especially tough. Having the little gifts from him each day made him feel a little closer to home!
I was home and decided to go get my mail and saw I had a package that I wasn't expecting. Just opening it, and seeing all of the individual presents and the note made me feel special
My husband put my name in from Afghanistan where he’s been for the last 8 months. We have two babies and decided not to do gifts but he said he had something coming to me. Honestly, I didn’t think it would be much but I was so pleasantly surprised by every little package. I waited and opened all 12 on Christmas Day so that I would have something to open for myself and not just my kids.
My husband and I are on our first deployment, and communication has been limited. Opening my box made me feel so happy and loved, and saving each box for every day helped bring a little happiness to my afternoon. Thanks so much for helping us stay connected and close during the holidays when family is so important!
When I received a box I had no idea what it was but when I opened it, it brought me to tears and I could not stop crying tears of joy. I have never spent a Christmas away from my husband and I was not expecting to receive any gifts this year with him being away but my heart was so full and I was overjoyed when I got that box. These little gifts mean so much to me! I looked forward to opening them everyday. I could never thank you guys enough for making this Christmas so much better! I’m so grateful for your kindness and wonderful gifts! THANK YOU ALL!
My soldier and I were not doing well, maritally, for a couple of years before this deployment. On top of that, we do not communicate well long distance. So deployments are especially difficult in staying connected. I was SHOCKED that he even signed me up for the 12 days of Christmas, quite honestly. But the thought he put into the card, and the fact that he had to apply for this in October, was proof that he cares for me still, even if we don't feel it much. We chose to open the gifts each day (or couple of days due to missions) together on video, which I, personally, don't prefer. These little gifts were a neutral way to open conversation and remind me that he IS present. Thank you Full Circle for this beautiful gift...and the beautiful gifts:)
My husband is not romantic nor is he one to show his affection so I was shocked at first that he did it
My husband put this out to his command and got pretty good participation.😉 It was so sweet that he did this for me, knowing our littles would have fun too! It was fun sharing the gifts with them.😉
I was having a particularly rough day and this brought so much happiness, not only on the day it arrived but, each day that I had the pleasure of opening another gift.
I was in shock!
Very surprised by the box. It was fun sharing out every day.
The box showed up on my porch one evening, I was not expecting it. After figuring out what it was and who it was from, we set up a little Christmas tree and put the gifts underneath. The first couple days, I was able to open the gifts. By day five, our two-year-old finished opening all of them for me. He really liked the lotion :-)
It meant a lot to me to know that my boy had done this for me. He always does this thing before he leaves where he deliberately antagonizes me and gets me mad at him. He’s been in the service over 5 years now. He did it before boot camp and has done it before both of his deployments. He knows that he does it. I know (and we’ve talked about it) that he does it in the hopes I will not miss him (and vice verse) and the separation will somehow be easier. I know that he ordered this because he knew I would know that he was thinking of home.
This was the first Christmas without my son home to celebrate with us. He is currently deployed. When I received that box, and read where it came from - I cried like a baby. I can't describe what that meant to me - to know that my son had sent it to me and the companies that gave their services to say Thank you and made that possible. To say I LOVED IT is an understatement. I'm so very grateful to have received my presents. I looked forward to opening one every day. Thank you
Christmas has always been such a huge holiday for my family and my extended family. So for the first year ever My husband and I weren’t able to make it back home to the east coast. My husband being deployed on top of the holidays is incredibly difficult but as soon as I got these gifts I couldn’t wait to open them. They made me feel so loved and like it was actually him giving them to me. They were so personable and things I loved that I knew only he knew about. It really reminded me how much I knew he loves me.
When I received my 12 days of Christmas box, I was more than excited. When I read my son's note, with, "Forever and always my mommy you'll be," I knew it was really from him! When he was a senior in high school he had made me a valentine and written those words from the book we've all read to our children! When he was in bootcamp, my daily letter always ended, "Love you forever, like you for always, always and forever my baby you'll be." Knowing my Marine wouldn't be here for Christmas was becoming more and more real as the days approached. With your help, each day I had something to look forward to, and I felt a special connection to my son, so far away. Each day, friends would call to hear what was in the next box. I can only imagine the organization, planning and teamwork it takes to pull this all together. Thank you for not only making us smile at home, but also for giving our troops a peace of mind that they have requested a special package for their loved ones back home! You are angels!!
Thank you so much. My husband is on a long deployment (1 year). this for sure made Christmas a little easier.
What a wonderful collection of beautifully wrapped gifts! Thank you to all the volunteers who made this happen.
Just married less then 2 months before he had to leave.
Mine arrived early December. I didn’t know that I was to open right away, but when my son told me that is what I did. I pulled them out and put them on my mantel in order. I travel all week and am home on the weekends. Would open a couple at a time, they are still displayed up there. Such a sweet sentimental construct, I loved all of it.
At first I wasn’t sure about the box I knew I hadn’t ordered anything then I opened it and started reading the notes. I kept everyone of them. I carry them in my purse. Sometimes I take them out and read them again and think I can’t wait tell my son comes home Thank you again you people are awesome
My husband was supposed to return home from this deployment before the holidays, but was extended through the new year. I was heart broken thinking he would miss Christmas (our 2 year old first year being excited). I came home from work one day to a package on my door step, thinking I had a case of amazon amnesia, I opened the box and was puzzled at the content until I read the note inside explaining the purpose of the package. I cried, I couldn’t help it. It was beautiful and exciting to be a recipient of this thoughtful gift. I enjoyed opening each gift leading up to Christmas (it was a struggle not to open them all right away!) On the last day, Christmas eve, I cried again, the Luca+Danni bracelet and note included was sentimental and very beautifully made. I have worn it every day since. Thank you for making this Christmas a very special one.
It was super fun to open a gift every day. Though I knew the gifts were coming, my husband's sweet note was a surprise and greatly needed at the time. My girls were all excited to watch me open one each day.
It was the best surprise ever! I’ve been lucky enough that in the three years we have actually spent every Christmas together so this holiday season was especially hard. It was nice to open surprise gifts on Christmas Day! Thank you x100000! Means so much!
I had actually planned a 12 days of Christmas for my overseas husband without even knowing I had this coming to me. It was fun to open the gifts together each day. It gave me something to look forward to each morning that I could share with him.
I am studying to get my masters in a different state than my family or his, so around Christmas time it was much quieter 1. Without my fiancé 2. Being away from both our families .. it found me in such a perfect time. Gave me a moment each day to just smile and be spoiled. Started all my days off on a great foot!
This gift was such a surprising joy to receive while my husband was away. The note he left me also made me cry- more so when I noticed his handwriting. The 12 gifts made every morning better as Christmas approached which I felt all alone with my husband being gone. It makes me more interested in how can I help with this organization to help brighten a spouse's day!
I was so very surprised and of course had tears when i found out it was from my son who is deployed in Afghanistan. He, too, was so grateful he could send me something for Christmas. It meant so much to me.
It actually came the same day a bunch of my friends husband's were coming home before Christmas from their deployment. I was so emotionally confused because I was soooooo happy for my friends but missing my husband sooo much more, and the holidays were fast approaching, so it was kind of emotionally overwhelming good and bad. When I saw this gift in a box that said "love from Afghanistan" it was the perfect uplifting boost that I needed. And it felt like the hug my husband physically couldn't give me. It was perfect.
I was particularly missing my husband because of it being the holidays, but when I opened the box and saw his handwriting I was floored and started crying. Being the 21st Century, I talk to him quite a bit but it's always online. I hadn't seen his handwriting in months since he'd been gone, and it meant SO MUCH to me to see a note he'd written make its way into my hands. I don't know if this is logistically very difficult, but it means SO MUCH.
I had no clue. I opened it up and when I read the note y’all sent and his note I lost it. Him and I have known each other since high school and we got engaged ten days before he left for deployment. I’m a full time school teacher so it makes it sometimes difficult for us to communicate but his note (you guys had a part in) truly gets me by the rough days as I carry it with me daily. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all y’all do. It made such an impact on my life. Words could never explain.
My son is in Afghanistan for the second time only this time his whereabouts and communication is very secretive therefore the gifts and the time opening them was a special connection great idea ladies really makes the receiver feel special thanks again.
I received my at Christmas and when I unpacked them I sent videos to my loved one in Afghanistan... it was very special to me
I had no idea who the package was from. When I saw the note that it was from my marine son, I cried. Fortunately, there was a packet of Kleenex on top! The 12 presents were beautiful and decorated our tree! Very, very touching and heart-warming. Beautiful presentation! I was delighted.
3 of my children are in the armed Forces, two are currently deployed. My Marine is the one that gave my the gift of the 12 days of Christmas. Being able to open up a gift every day, made me feel a bit closer to him. I looked forward to each and everyone of them. The little notes that came with most of them made me feel appreciated for the difficulties that the women who are left behind go through when their loved ones are in dangerous situations fighting and defending our country. Thank you
The gift came prior to Christmas but I waited to start opening on Christmas day
I opened them backwards and got Ronnie letter in box one in Christmas and cried so hard with happiness.
I waited until Christmas day and opened it last. The gifts are the kind of things that I like - hand creams and the like.
It just means so much to me. I think of my son every time I see or use one of the gifts. Thinking about it now brings tears to my eyes.
It was beautiful and thoughtful.
This is the first deployment for my husband and I, we are college sweethearts, and just recently got married this past May, only 6 days before they left! As the months seemed to be getting longer instead of shorter and we approached the holidays without him, and on top of that my students asking me if I thought he would surprise me like you see in the videos on social media I was struggling a little bit; but, coming home to this box was absolutely perfect! I did try my best to stick to only opening one little box a day, and so it took me a while to realize there was a hand-written note in the Vera Bradley change pouch (and it was actually HIS writing - not like when they send you flowers and you get a typed note or it's written in the workers handwriting)! That little note has been my saving grace and my push to keep going, to keep my head up and staying positive; that this deployment would be over before I know it! On a side note, I did truly enjoy all of the little Christmas bows (I actually made a little small wreath out of them), as well as the Luca+Danni bracelet that came with the note about full circle home and what it represents. Thank you for taking the time and effort to consider the ones left at home; this gift I will always remember.
It came at a good time. It was a trying morning with my daughter. I also never get unexpected mail.
I was so surprised to receive anything from my spouse (not expecting anything) and I know it made him happy knowing that I would have something from him during the holidays. Thank you for everything that you do!
My husband had surprised me with my gifts. I had no idea this was even something that existed. I opened it all on Christmas day and cried and cried because my husband couldn't be there for me and the kids on Christmas so I was shocked and felt special over every item in the box. Thank you so much! I wish I could do something like this for spouses around the world.
My whole & extended family were impacted. We waited for Christmas morning to open the gifts (as per my son’s request). We passed out the “days” & took turns opening, laughing (my younger son exclaimed “I got mascara!”) & crying. We were all (3 generations) beautifully touched by the thought, products, wrapping, note & the fact that my deployed son was “there” with us.
We lived overseas for 6 years, then moved to New England, where we know nobody. Then my husband was deployed! There is not much of a military community at this base, so we feel pretty isolated. Our Christmas was quiet, no social gatherings, but even though we only had our family (minus dad) it was sweet to know that our military was still looking out for us. Thank you, truly.
Gosh, when I first got this gift I thought it was just a generic gift sent from the battalion. I have never heard of this before and I was shocked when I saw a small, but very meaningful, letter from my husband. These gifts were just what I needed to make the holidays more enjoyable.
Thank you so much for everything you guys do to support military families. Your generosity does not go unnoticed.
I just happened to look on the porch and found the box. I wasn’t sure if it was maybe something my husband had ordered and I shouldn’t see! It’s happened before! He was as surprised as I was! I love surprises, so this was a perfect gift for me, even if our son didn’t know exactly what was in it (according to his note - nice touch in package #1!). We can’t get phone or FaceTime connection but I was able to text each day and tell him what he’d sent me. I actually got a couple responses! He’s a man of few words sometimes, so that in itself was a gift! I can’t thank you enough for all your efforts, it was definitely my most special gift this year!
Every morning I would open one gift and take a picture to share with my Marine son.
When the package came in the mail, I was very surprised. With the package sticker saying "With Love From Iraq", I assumed my soldier had bought me something and mailed it for Christmas. I messaged him through FB and asked what he sent me. He Facetimed me and said "Mom, I didn't buy you anything." I said "You sent me something because its says from Iraq." He then asked to see the box and asked me to open it. When I opened the box and the pulled out the handwritten note, I said "This is your handwriting." I read to him what it said. He then explained that his sergeant had all the guys in his unit fill out one of the cards. He had no idea what to write so he just wrote "Love you Mom, See you soon." My heart just melted and I cried for the next 2 days. He told me to do just what the packages said and called me every night to see what I had got and make sure I was opening up one everyday. I was soo blessed to receive this gift because it lifted my spirits where I was feeling so down thinking about how my soldier wasn't going to be here and that we had no gifts under the tree. Finances were so low that I didn't think we were going to have Christmas. Thank you for being the "Full Circle Home”, you connect us by heart from our soldiers.
I let my 19mos daughter open the gifts. She was so excited each morning for 12days to get to open a gift. The joy on her face was so wonderful to watch.
I didn't think I would be getting anything from my husband at Christmas. Or for my anniversary which is the same week. When I saw a package from Gtmo I was shocked and excited. As I opened the box and read his personal message I cried! My teenager saw the first gift was a small bag and tissues. She immediately offers it to me and laughed, "I think they planned that!”
It was late at night and when I went out to feed the dog I noticed a small brown box. It looked a bit soggy (it had been raining throughout the day) and picked it up suspiciously. I couldn't remember having ordered anything and was not sure how long it had been outside by our gate. I brought it in the house and left it to sit while I bathed the kids and attempted to contact my husband. I asked him if he had ordered something. He said no. I told him a package came addressed to me but I hadn't ordered anything. I said I didn't want to open it in fear of it being a bomb or something. He quickly agreed it was probably something that would harm us and told me to throw it away. I was about to stand when he said he was joking and wanted me to open it. When I finally got around to opening it later that night I was shocked to find the note and what exactly your organization was about. The pack of Kleenex with the first gift is brilliant. I cried like a girl going through her first heartbreak. And I'm not the emotional type! It was just such a sweet thought and I had been dreading Christmas. This gave me something to look forward to on a daily basis. It was easier to smile and joke with the kids who were so excited about Christmas. It was their first one without their dad. Thank you all for your love and support. I hope I'll be able to repay you all by paying it forward. Really, thank you.
We got our box but didn’t see the note from here until we opened all the gifts . I almost screamed. As I tell my children the small things are the big things. It meant so much and the gifts are quality gifts.
My spouse is deployed and receiving the small gifts was truly an uplifting experience. I know the other spouses from the command who also got these tiny surprises were overcome with emotion. Thank you so much for all you do.
This was such a wonderful surprise at such a lonely time, with my husband being deployed. I looked forward to every night, sitting down with my kids to open my special gift. Thank you!
We have moved a lot over the years and we always say "home is where we are", when I got the Luca+Danni Bracelet on the last day with the Heart of Home, we all knew it was just meant to be. He will always be with is in our hearts during his deployment.
This is my husband's 4th deployment and we have never heard of this. It showed up and it gave me tears. He even forgot he signed up for it. Haha.
This Christmas was challenging. Tim in Afghanistan and my 92 yo Mom is end stage heart failure and doing poorly. I would bring up the box to her room every night and we’d open it together
I was planning on opening one a day leading up to Christmas, but a couple days shy of the beginning of the twelve days, I had a rough day so I decided to open early to cheer me up!
I had been getting highly frustrated with never being able to find my keys in my purse. I finally got the bright idea that I should get some kind of hook to attach my keys to my purse strap but thought where would I get such a thing and also I have very little time to shop for anything much less searching for something like that. I was enjoying each daily surprise from your gifts but then....what to my wondering eyes would appear....on the twelfth day of Christmas but the VERY thing my heart desired....a Keygear hook. Oh what a happy day it was and Daily like is less stressful when my keys are easily accessible! Thank you
I live alone - no kids, no pets. My family does not live near me. Sometimes I'm lonely. People at work don’t understand the military life. These gifts made me feel loved and supported by a community of folks who "get it" when it comes to deployments. These gifts impacted ME, not family and friends. I felt so special. Thank you!
I was so excited when I received the box and then when I opened it, the twelve gifts looked so cute. It was a little hard waiting to open them. But I waited til it really was twelve days til Christmas. Everyday I opened one gift and immediately started using them. I put the Lollia hand lotion and Bon Bon lip balm into my purse right away.
I didn't expect to get anything from my son the year he was deployed and it was the first Christmas he was away from us so it was going to be a sad year. Received the 12 little boxes was a huge surprise and I opened one on each day of the 12 days before Christmas so every day was a reminder of him as I opened the little box. It was an amazing gift.
My kids ages 6-12 opened the package and set each gift under the tree for me. They told me daddy sent a special surprise. I came downstairs and was in complete awe of each box. It was a happy but emotional feeling opening and reading the personal note. I hardly take time to sit down and focus on ME. If it weren’t for this program I wouldn’t have taken the time to sit and reflect on what I have done to keep our family going this deployment. Every day I looked forward to a new gift and it was a daily reminder of my husbands love for me!
I didn’t know what to think when I saw a box on my front doorstep that said “love from Afghanistan”. I opened it not knowing what it was and almost cried when I saw the hand written note from my husband on the top of all of the boxes. I got so excited I opened all of them at one time, not realizing it was supposed to be one a day. I took a video of myself opening them so I could send it to my husband. It made my night!
My friends and family thought is was such a sweet idea, a way for my service member to show me love no matter how far he was away, and our sons loved finding the appropriate box for that day and opening it for me.
So many of my fellow wives were SO picked up by this. Mentally it shines just a little brightness into our dark clouds. We all were getting to that pity party mentality because it was the holidays and time seemed to be dragging on. So this surprise really lifted our spirits!
I cried looking at what my husband thought of me for. Your organization helped bring his love home to me, even if he was thousands of miles away.
It made my Christmas a little brighter so my children loved it too.
I was a newlywed, newly relocated away from the rest of my friends and family, with my husband overseas at Christmas. I was literally alone at Christmas time with nothing to open except these beautiful boxes of love. It meant everything to me to open and read the notes and see each surprise. The fact that many things were selfcare items like lotions and lip balm inspired me to pamper myself a little extra.
It was a wonderful way to connect with my Marine while he’s deployed especially during the holidays. Having a handwritten note from him meant the world to me.
I posted pics of the 12 day gifts and card from you all and his special note. - friends and family were very moved as well as me
I posted on FB that I had received this special box of gifts from my son, and so many responded about how lovely & special that was. My husband & other children were delighted to see my heartfelt excitement over getting such a gift. We were all missing Tim being home this Christmas!
It made me feel happy. My kids cried with me.
I opened it all with my mom and kids, we all cried.
Everyone was touched by the effort that went into making this special for me.
I was so thrilled that I posted it on Facebook and all my FB friends were thrilled for me, and so happy there is an organization like yours to do this!
They thought it was really cool that organizations would come together just to make sure I was taken care of over the holidays
It was a real unexpected delight to open each package and think of my son while opening them.
The impact this had on those around me was very special...they were excited that I received something, as 99% of the time those deployed are the focus. Also, my soldier and I were having a difficult time communicating. We decided to open these each day (or couple of days) together! It really allowed an ice breaker for our conversations and something to look forward to. So THANK YOU
It made us all very emotional. It’s amazing to know that there are people out there that care and it put in the time and effort to do something so special for spouses who are missing loved ones
I didn’t get to go home for Xmas so having this really made me feel like I was opening things from my favorite person away.
I’m a high school teacher and my classes are well aware that I have a military son. They also know he is currently deployed. I told them about the “12 Gifts” present and they asked me everyday what was the present from the day before. I looked forward to opening a gift every day.
Family and friends were waiting each day to hear what I opened.
It was a quiet holiday season , mainly my husband observed to openings, and purely loved them all. I took pics and sent them to my son Kuwait, he loved them too! His sweet note was a great touch!
I felt a connection to others who don't have their loved ones at home for the holidays.
Tons of friends commented teary eyed smiles when I posted this in my Instagram. All my relatives that came for xmas and New Years ogled at how sweet and thoughtful they were. It was a big hit and I did everything I could to mention the name “full circle home”
My mom and I cried the whole time but it was a good cry.
It was such a joy. Friends would call me and we would talk about the days gift, and I have three daughters who were happy to see what each gift brought
I absolutely LOVED this! It was such a surprise and so encouraging and fun for me to text with my husband about what all the items were. He was so proud and grateful to have been able to gift it!
My family thought it was so sweet my son was missing me like we are him.
It made me cry and truly impacted my family by showing good people still exist. It was an extremely hard time for me personally and this just made it a little easier to bare. It was amazing for feel the strength y’all see in us. It truly gave me strength I needed this holiday season.
The whole family enjoyed opening the gifts even though they were just for mom.
I told many how this gift touched me and made me feel as though my daughter was with us rather than deployed.
It was very emotional in a good way. It gave me something to look forward to and took my mind off for a minute that my husband wasn’t home for the holidays.
When you don’t hear from your significant other for an extended period of time you start to become a robot each day...especially when you have children. This gift gave me so much reassurance during the holiday times that even though we cannot talk or see each other that he is always thinking of me and ways to make me happy.
My friends all loved the gifts I received. I had to look up the places the gifts came from so the could see what products the company had to offer because they wanted to order some for their selves.
My family and friends are all supporting me and my children while my husband is gone. Knowing they aren't alone was comforting. Also my kids were shown what it means to love others during Christmas and how important charity and love are to the recipients.
All of it! What a surprise it was to receive the package. Every single item was beautifully wrapped and lovingly labeled. I was moved to tears.
We didn't really share that he was leaving or had been gone for months prior to his deployment. They had a lot of respect once they found out I was doing my best pseudo-single-mom-ing it. It helped me feel more support from those around me who offered their time to help out with whatever they could. They thought it was so sweet that strangers could help even the randomest person. They were happy to know other people cared.
My daughters thought that it was great that mom got a couple gifts from their dad for Christmas. That I actually had things to open that I didn’t pick out for myself.
This was such a heart warming surprise that came at the perfect moment. It was a great reminder to myself that it’s not easy and we have people who truly care.
The whole box! Such a fabulous idea and concept, I loved every single day of the 12 days of Christmas.. on the 12th day, the Luca+Danni bangle, heart in the home was my favorite! I haven’t taken it off. I felt my sons presence all season thru your generosity, you Ladies are amazing.
The Vera Bradley coin purse and the paracord keychain.
The thoughtfulness behind the care in packing.
All the separately packaged gifts with the gift and note insert inside.
The thoughtful note and that several of the gifts were made by companies that shared our daughters nickname “Dani” that made us feel so much closer to her.\
The thought and the little packages were wrapped so perfectly.
Each was unique, quality and a joy to open!
A surprise to get something with my son's handwriting while he was so far away.
All of it! What a nice surprise! Prob the Dani Naturals candle and the Solemate socks were my fav.
All of the gifts were amazing.
The gift set was a complete surprise! The gifts are all just as thoughtful. My favorite portion of the gift set is the Luca+Danni Full Circle Home bracelet! I also loved the note inserts associated with each day.
Everything I got I LOVED! But if I just had to choose... it would be between the Vera Bradley keychain pouch or the Luca+Danni bracelet.
The surprise! Opening a surprise everyday at Christmas was fun for me and my kids. But beyond that the personal note from my husband will be treasured forever.
The surprise element and the fact that someone thought of me during my first Christmas without my son home.
The note written by my soldier, made it feel like a true gift of the heart.
The note my husband wrote prior to the gifts coming out. Also the Luca+Danni bracelet ❤️
The having a little something to open every night. It was a special event that connected me to thoughts of my son.
The fact that we were getting these gifts was amazing and to see a small hand written note alongside - really such a selfless partnership. It was sooo endearing to see how much they loved us and how willing you guys were to put this all together. The “force” of people that you wanted us to feel like we had behind us was created in that pairing of handwritten and sponsorship!
The creativity and quality of the gifts from companies I had never heard of.
I was impressed with the quality of items in the box. It was so fun to open it everyday.
I was so touched to receive the gifts, knowing that Tim wanted me to have something special! I especially love the beautiful full circle home bracelet from Luca & Danni. Looking at it on my wrist reminds e that I am in his heart, as he is always in mine!!
The Luca+Danni bracelet was pretty cool.
I loved the presentation, from the tag on the shipping box that said "Love from Afghanistan" to the notes from the companies providing the gifts and the cutely wrapped presents.
The Luca+Danni bracelet on the last day!
It was heartwarming to know other people are thinking about you.
The Luca+Danni bracelet and that Lollia Hand lotion it smells amazing.
I really enjoyed the way the gifts were packaged and individually wrapped.
My favorite part about it was the surprise of it all and the wonderful people who donated the items. My favorite item is the Luca+Danni bracelet.
Honestly the little note from my husband but there were also a lot of great gifts!
I liked opening a little gift every day for the 12 days of Christmas. Each one was good quality too!
Lollia Hand cream & Dani Naturals candle!
Having something to look forward to everyday during glum times.
How beautifully wrapped and festive they were. And the note Inserts accompanying the gifts.
How each box was wrapped so nicely with a sweet message.
How sweet and thoughtful each item was.
I absolutely loved that almost everything was made in the USA! It was all amazing!
The Dani Naturals candle!
It was a complete surprise. My husband never told me he signed up for it and so when I got it I was so touched he thought enough about me to make my holiday special with him being deployed.
It was a tough Christmas. Or having him to.e with me. - a gift every day from him made it feel more like he was here.
Just getting it...immediately cried when I saw the label on the box...12 Days of Christmas, With Love From Iraq!
Just having something tangible from my son and knowing he was able to participate in the gift giving part of Christmas
Just knowing that I was being supported while he was away.
Knowing I was in my sons heart on deployment during the holidays and knowing he was with me in spirit as I opened each gift each day
Knowing that my husband was thinking of me, oh and the Waggoner Chocolates were delicious!
Just the idea behind it that someone is thinking of us.
Mary Kay and Beekman products were my favorites!
My favorite part of the gift set was the little wrapped boxes! You could tell the effort that was put into each gift. It really put the whole look together!
The Luca+Danni Bracelet and that each gift was beautifully gift-wrapped in a box. I loved the hand written note too!
My favorite part was the personalized message from my soldier, as well as the bracelet made by Luca & Danni especially for US! Super special b/c cannot be purchased AND it's a reminder that I'm the heart of the home.
That the gifts were all different and something new to open each day!
That this org is even a thing! Made me feel so special. But the Beekman goat milk lotion was amazing.